Enough with the emergency regime!

By Jens Wernicke.

A better world begins inside our thoughts. But good impulses should not get stuck in the phase of hoping and wishing. In the first few weeks of its coverage of the Corona hysteria, the Rubikon researched, analyzed and indicted. More than 100 authors have, metaphorically speaking, worked their fingers to the bone in order to counter almost the entire political and media landscape. Our outcry did not remain unnoticed, but the health dictatorship is still on the advance – despite overwhelming evidence that the coronavirus is not exceptionally dangerous and the collective deprivation of rights of millions of people is a crime. Now is the time to move on to a new phase: the one of concrete action. The Rubikon supports accordingly an outstanding film project on Corona and is taking legal action against ” the state of emergency of the Republic” before the courts.

Dear Readers,

now the limit has been reached.

Under the veil of fear, we are all incapacitated, deprived of our dignity and fundamental rights and collectively traumatised.

In addition, the ludicrous mismanagement of the German health care system is now probably a general “danger to life”:

More than 50 percent of all planned operations have been cancelled, the “surgery traffic jam” goes into the thousands.

30 to 40 percent less patients with heart attacks and strokes are treated because they no longer dare to come to the clinics.

Nationwide, 150,000 hospital and 10,000 intensive care beds are empty.

In Berlin, only 68 critical care beds are occupied by corona patients, the emergency clinic with 1,000 beds remains unused.

The German Resuscitation Council has published an official recommendation that people should not be ventilated after cardiac arrest.

In Great Britain, approximately 3,000 people per week are already dying from the effects of the lockdown, due to the general panic and partial social breakdown.

Millions of livelihoods are being destroyed and defenseless and helpless old people in nursing homes, old people’s homes and hospitals are being isolated, objectified and scared to death.

And even the Corona obligatory vaccination, which is probably dangerous for many, is becoming more and more likely.

Politicians and the media call all this “help”, “care” and “protection”. But something more unloving, incapacitating and harmful to health is hard to imagine. Whether someone wants to protect himself and how someone wants to live and die – that is and remains entirely his own decision and responsibility.

Nevertheless, in the name of “public health”, morbid 80-year-olds are now forced, instead of spending a few good weeks with their loved ones, to spend their last days isolated, anxious and often “tormented by intensive care medicine” until death.

Human dignity, it seems, is no longer worth a damn. Antisocial behavior and inhumanity are supposed to be the new “love”.

Supposedly all this is about Corona. But the government still refuses to acknowledge the scientific facts about the pretended pandemic, as well as the implementation of all those measures that are absolutely necessary according to the National Pandemic Plan.

Chapter 5.3 of this plan contains detailed lists of all those figures, investigations and studies that would have to be collected and carried out immediately in order to arrive at a realistic risk assessment on a scientifically sound basis.

The entire scenario is reminiscent of that of the Iraq war, where from day 1 only the wrong ones called into the cameras:

“Weapons of mass destruction, weapons of mass destruction, danger, danger, war, war, war, now, right now!”

Virologists like Drosten, who now rules our country, are laboratory physicians who study pathogens but have no expertise on the spread and possible danger posed by epidemics.

Epidemiologists have been marginalized, slandered and silenced from the beginning of this crisis.

One of the world’s leading scientists in this field is Stanford Professor of Medicine John Ioannidis. Already a few days ago, he had confirmed in a one-hour interview what had already become obvious through worldwide studies:

The lethality of Covid-19 is “within the range of a seasonal flu”.

For people under 65 years of age, the mortality risk even in the worldwide “hotspots” is comparable to the daily car ride to work, for healthy people under 65 years of age even “completely negligible”. Only in New York was the mortality risk for persons under 65 years of age in the range of a professional truck driver.

On Monday morning, I will now file a lawsuit against the compulsory wearing of masks in Rhineland-Palatinate, which will apply from then on, as well as the nationwide “distance requirement”. Because there is no basis for both of these measures. On the contrary: the only ones who are calling for such loud and prominent demands are either part of the governments or are dependent on them or the pharmaceutical industry.

Democracy looks different!

Democracy does not mean: The government overrules the constitution and justifies this with “experts” who are bound by instructions to it or have been famous and notorious for their proximity to the pharmaceutical industry for years.

In this context, I would like to recommend to you the great documentary “TrustWHO”, which can be seen here in full length, for example, but elsewhere, although every statement is supported and proven, falls victim to censorship.

Have a look at this documentary together with your friends and family. You will see: Many of those who are spreading fear and panic today were involved in the swine flu hoax.

In addition to my lawsuit, the Rubikon will donate 10,000 € to the filmmakers of “TrustWHO”, who are currently asking for support for an investigative Corona documentary, so that they can put their project into action.

I ask you, dear readers, to do the same for me and for us: Resist peacefully against the deprivation of rights in our country – and also support the planned film by crowdfunding.

The motto is:

Enlightenment now! Enough with the emergency regime!


  1. https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/die-gesundheitsdiktatur
  2. https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/die-ubersehenen-opfer
  3. https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/der-staatsstreich-3
  4. https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/der-teufel-und-der-belzebub
  5. https://www.bz-berlin.de/deutschland/kliniken-verband-schlaegt-alarm-wegen-corona-regeln
  6. https://www.grc-org.de/files/Newsreleases/document/Stellungnahme%20des%20Deutschen%20Rats%20für%20Wiederbelebung%20zu%20CPR%20bei%20Corona%202020.pdf
  7. https://archive.is/2eKCW
  8. https://news.yahoo.com/lockdown-damage-outweighs-coronavirus-warning-121940675.html
  9. https://www.boeckler.de/pdf/p_wsi_pb_38_2020.pdf
  10. https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/coronavirus-krise-70-000-hotel-und-gastronomiebetrieben-droht-offenbar-die-insolvenz-a-69a041e9-fc90-4315-90e5-4762c90d3cb9
  11. https://www.pnp.de/nachrichten/bayern/Soeder-ist-fuer-bundesweite-Impfpflicht-gegen-das-Coronavirus-aus-3666639.html
  12. https://www.bpb.de/nachschlagen/lexika/recht-a-z/22867/selbstbestimmungsrecht
  13. http://beatebahner.de/lib.medien/Beate%20Bahner%20Eilantrag%20Bundesverfassungsgericht.pdf
  14. http://pflegeethik-initiative.de/2020/03/26/nicht-leben-und-nicht-sterben-duerfen/
  15. http://pflegeethik-initiative.de/2020/04/15/corona-krise-falsche-prioritaeten-gesetzt-und-ethische-prinzipien-verletzt/
  16. https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/article207221877/Corona-Pandemie-Sterberate-bei-Beatmungspatienten-gibt-Raetsel-auf.html
  17. https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/die-stunde-der-heuchler
  18. https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/das-letzte-gefecht-2
  19. https://swprs.org/covid-19-hinweis-ii/
  20. https://www.forbes.com/consent/?toURL=https://www.forbes.com/2010/02/05/world-health-organization-swine-flu-pandemic-opinions-contributors-michael-fumento.html#6ea4db0448e8
  21. https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/I/Influenza/Pandemieplanung/Downloads/Pandemieplan_Teil_II_gesamt.pdf?__blob=publicationFile
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwPqmLoZA4s&feature=youtu.be
  23. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid#status-of-covid-19
  24. https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/die-propaganda-offensive
  25. https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/das-vermummungs-gebot
  26. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB-VQ-dNxxs
  27. https://smile.amazon.de/TrustWHO-OV-Lilian-Franck/dp/B086CBKF9R/
  28. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjQGyqVN5RM
  29. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjMC3tF4u7A&feature=youtu.be
  30. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/corona-film?create_edit=true#/


Note on the Rubikon contribution: The present text was first published in “Rubikon – Magazin für die kritische Masse”, on whose advisory board Daniele Ganser and Rainer Mausfeld are active, among others. Since the publication was done under a free license (Creative Commons), KenFM takes over this text for secondary use and explicitly points out that the Rubikon also depends on donations and needs support. We need many alternative media!


Thanks to the author for the right to publish the article.


This article was first published on 24.04.2020 by Rubikon – Magazin für die kritische Masse.


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