KenFM am Set: Handing over of the fundraising check for the Russian veterans on 05.01.21 in Berlin.

On 19.12.2020 the readers and listeners on the channel KenFM were asked and animated to donate for the last living veterans of the Great Patriotic War in the framework of an appeal for a Christmas surprise. Because of the Julian calendar, the Russian Orthodox Christmas takes place later than in our country, on January 6 and 7 of the year.

No one could have guessed what success this appeal would bring.

The final sum is: One hundred thousand two hundred euros!

On 05.01.2021, in a very sincere and appropriate ambience for the occasion, an impressive check was handed over at the Soviet Memorial in Tiergarten on behalf of the many donors.

Recipients were Oleg Eremenko, representative of the Association of Russian Officers and a representative of the supporting Glinka Society.

In his speech, Oleg Emerenko mentioned, among other things, that, moreover, last year there had been a request by the Association to the German government whether the readiness for financial support of the war veterans was possible. The German government responded negatively to this request.

Another address was given by the president of the East German Committee of Associations (OKV), Dr. Matthias Werner. Representing the channel KenFM as co-initiator of this call for donations, Uli Gellermann also gave a short speech, and then handed over the donation check in the name of all participants.

The text of his speech:

We have come together here, at the memorial for the Soviets who died in the Great Patriotic War. Today we fulfill an honorable obligation: We present Oleg Sergeevich Eremenko, the representative of the “Association of Officers of Russia in the Federal Republic” with a check amounting to more than ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND euros. The money is to benefit the last living veterans of the Soviet army and the survivors of the concentration camps and the blockade of Leningrad. These soldiers and civilians bravely defended their homeland and at the same time they liberated my country, this Germany, from fascism. The fundraising campaign was started by members of the German Paratrooper Traditional Association East e.V. and it was continued and organized by Rainer Rupp, known to some also as “Topas”. We we want to set a sign today with this donation: Against a foreign policy of sanctions and for a good relationship with the Russian Federation, with the heirs of those men and women who showed the Nazis their limits and thus saved all of Europe from fascist rule.

I bow to the victims:

Slava i chest’ krasnoy armii – Glory to the RED ARMY.

Thanks again from the KenFM editorial staff and Rainer Rupp to all donors!


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East German Committee of Associations Great Patriotic War KenFM Oleg Eremenko Second world war Soviet Memorial Tiergarten Uli Gellermann 

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