PRESS RELEASE Querdenken-711 (lateral thinking): Right to demonstrate is not an instrument of division, but a fundamental right

Stuttgart/18.05.2021. In its report of 16.05.2021, the editorial staff of headline24 has made several unproven and untrue factual claims, which result in a distorting and misleading presentation. The editorial team is now merely referring to an “opinion” of the author, whereby this must be marked as a comment – which did not happen. Therefore, the public misleadingly assumes that this is well-founded research. This needs to be clarified.

Extract from the press release:


„According to established case law, in the case of a planned allegation report, journalists must confront the individual concerned in advance with the planned allegation and give him or her the opportunity to make a counterstatement and to defend himself or herself before publication. Otherwise, the publication is unlawful.“




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